Thursday 12 September 2013

Studio Space.

This is my studio space at college. I am currently working on it to make it more busy and personal to me, so it will eventually be a calm place to work in.

Wednesday 11 September 2013


Here is a drawing I created from an installation we set up. I drew 3 drawings one ontop of the other creating different layers and using different mediums. I used Charcoal, Pastel and Ink.

Monday 9 September 2013

Own Space

These are a few little vases that I brought today to put in my little space at college. We have one week today to fill our own space with things not only reflecting our personality but containing influences using differents mediums/materials and artists.
I am thinking of putting up a couple of shelves and putting different sizes and colour vases, filling them with different objects. I also want to attach string from the walls and hang things off of it including different photographers images showing the route that i'm thinking about going down and hopefully give me inspiration. I like working in a busy but tidy environment so hopefully my final space will reflect that aspect of my personality.

Sunday 8 September 2013

First Task

With a task set for our first day starting Foundation I have chose to bring along as well as my snow globe (previous post) a photo album. Although it is not physically as big as me, conceptually it is. The album is full of family and memories, they show a timeline of people from older generations to my generation thus making it an object that is bigger then me. Which is what the task is about.
What we will be doing with our objects we all take in has not yet been said.

Task #1

For our first task we have been told to take in objects bigger than ourselves. This can be either physically bigger than ourselves or a small object unfolding into a bigger material. Or we can also take in an object that just has a big personality.
I wondered what I could pick to take in for this task when I found a New York snow globe that I brought when I went on holiday. I thought this would be perfect as although it is small it has a big personality as it captures New York within an apple shaped globe. Referring to its nickname 'the big apple.' Showing a small object with a big personality within its apple shape bubble.