Thursday 29 August 2013

Cornelia Parker & Sarah Sze.

Cornelia Parker:
                          Cold Dark Matter an Exploded View.

This body of work by Cornelia Parker shows negative space perfectly. This work is similar to Sarah Sze work (image below) as she also hangs objects off of different things and using different materials to do so.
For our Art Foundation taster day we looked at a number of different images of Sze's then worked together to create a similar setting. We had different materials such as wool, bolts, wire etc to create a Sze's style piece. I chose to put bolts onto fishing wire which I then attached to a piece someone else had created. As there was many of us working on this piece you could see it growing and transforming in front of you. This would be something I would like to experiment and try again covering spaces with different materials and focusing on the negative spaces between them, creating drawings and photographs from the creation and experimenting with different screen printing etc that could link in with the work that I have created.


The image above to the right is of the little creation we created as a group on our taster day in the style of Sarah Sze. 

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