Saturday 2 November 2013

Large Still Life Pieces.

We were set a task to create 15 still life paintings in our sketchbooks and 5-10 big pieces. Working in a similar way to artist Ben Nicolson here are a few of my larger pieces.

 The top left painting I did was one of my first ones, I created squares of paint similar to what Ben Nicolson did. I then painted from the still life over the top of the paint and splattered ink onto it. I wanted to do something different with this piece so I cut it up into similar sized pieces. I then picked out my favourite sections of the painting and photocopied them so they were bigger. After this I stuck the little pieces and the photocopied sections all together mix matched and added bits of cardboard that I worked into with a scalpel. To the left is my final piece which I think went quite well.

This is the first painting that I did. For the background I tea stained some paper then started off with gray acrylic painting the still life installation. I then used brown acrylic and black ink to draw different parts of the still life over the top. This then created different layers to the painting which consists of thick line drawings.

 With this painting I stuck with a colour palette of black and white. I used white emulsion for the background and created squares of colour with black ink and emulsion. Then I created line drawings from the still life, using white emulsion over the black squares then ink over the white emulsion. I used black ink to outline the whole drawing.  This created a negative look to the paintings, using opposite colours that work together.

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